Get some Zing out of Your Small Tube Amp

Small tube amps are great, and versatile! I used a small 1x10 combo (Fender Super Champ) exclusively for a little over a year, and played it for countless gigs, session work, and as an amp to teach with. These are my personal tips; first and most importantly use an EQ Boost like, a MXR micro amp, JHS Prestige, or an EP Boost. Another tip is high volume low gain this will allow the tubes to bloom fully and get a nice natural overdrive. I love small tube amps for lower volumes, because they can have the problem of being “flubby” when they get to loud. I will say that sound works great for certain things like punk rock. You can gig with these amps in a rock setting, either with a line out, an extension cab, or miced up! I used a 1X12 extension cab and cranked the amp, it was fun honestly. Here are MY 10 recommendations of small amps and yes I am bias to Fender amps,

Fender Princeton Reverb 1X10 15 Watt- Chimy perfect and Versatile

Fender Super Champ X2 15 Watt 1X10- Most versatile in my opinion

Supro Blues King 12 15 Watt 1X12- Super Spitty drive that is kinda fuzzy

Fender Blues Jr 15 Watt 1X12- a warm viby

Blackstar HT Club 40 40 Watt 1X12- a bit bigger but a bad mamma jamma

Vox AC4 4 Watt 1X10- Clean pedal platform

Rift PR6 1X12- God these amps are otherworldly, but super boutique

Orange Rocker 15 15 watt 1X10- Tons of preamp gain

Vox AC15 15 Watt 1X12- Classic Chimy and has built in Tremolo, that’s cool

Marshal Origins 5 5 watt 1X10- Classic marshal sound with a small frame